Published 2022-08-19

Eitrium acquires Eliasson Plast AB, a manufacturer of Plastic Goods

Eitrium has acquired all shares in Eliasson Plast AB, a Swedish manufacturer of plastic products within packaging and plant growing industries. The sellers, the Eliasson-family, will continue to operate Eliasson Plast AB to ensure the continuation of its way of doing business.

Den Boråsbaserade verksamheten har funnits sedan 1976, där fokus historiskt har legat på emballageprodukter som lock, pluggar och gavlar till kartonghylsor. Dessa produkter är idag fortfarande en viktig produktgrupp men har sedan dess kompletterats med egna produkter inom växtodlingsindustrin och genom legotillverkning. De nuvarande ägarna har med stor framgång utvecklat företaget till en marknadsledare med väletablerade kunder. Under 2021 omsatte bolaget cirka 47 miljoner kronor och genererade en EBITDA på cirka 11 miljoner kronor.


“We are very pleased to have the opportunity to acquire Eliasson Plast AB, which further strengthens our position within plastic goods and product development, to the great benefit of all Eliasson’s customers who need to secure its supply chain in today’s volatile markets. Eliasson Plast is a very niche and stable product company with a long history of serving their customers, many from its inception in 1970’s” says John Eriksson, Investment Manager at Eitrium.


“With Eitrium as our new long-term partner we see a great potential to serve our customers even better and retain our position as a preferred supplier of plastic goods offering our customers stability in today’s markets. The reason why we chose Eitrium is their autonomous business model where we, as acquired companies, are allowed to continue our business with retained culture and focus on customer satisfaction.” says Thomas Eliasson, CEO and Founder of Eliasson Plast.


Read more about each company and


For questions, please contact:

John Eriksson, Investment Manager at Eitrium,, 076-118 44 33


About Eitrium
Eitrium is a diversified nordic group that invests in established product companies in niche markets. Our vision is to create the safest port for small and medium-sized entrepreneurial companies with market-leading products.

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